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Why ReactJS is the Right Choice For Your Next Big Project

Published Sep 15, 2023
Why ReactJS is the Right Choice For Your Next Big Project

With new Javascript libraries popping up frequently, choosing a JS framework for a front-end project can get confusing. On your journey for finding a good js library, you will surely come across ReactJS and ask Why ReactJS?

ReactJS is a Javascript library that easily lets you create scalable user interfaces with a declarative approach. The learning curve is low which enhances developer experiences and speeds up the development process.

React was created by facebook in 2013 and has been growing ever since.
In most cases React JS is my de facto front-end library to build user interfaces.
Keep reading to learn more about Why ReactJS is one of the best options for building the front end of your next web application!

React is Component-Based

ReactJS revolves around creating components. Components are reusable blocks of code that make up your UI.

You create the structure of your HTML inside these components as well as the logic, and once react renders the page this is compiled into actual HTML.

Each component is responsible for one part of the functionality. This allows the developers to easily scale an application by creating small building blocks and putting them together, all while focusing on one thing at a time. This saves time and improves testing.

Components also improve performance as the same component can be reused multiple times without needing to be reloaded. This is why ReactJS can be considered one of the best front-end libraries.

React Is Declarative

React is incredibly powerful for creating UIs that are not only fast, but easy to manage and create. One of the reasons for this is that React follows the declarative paradigm.

In declarative programming, you as a developer, only need to describe what should happen in your code. Whereas in imperative programming, you have to provide a detailed list of steps to your code that will allow it to perform a certain task.

For example, using the for loop in javascript is an imperative approach because the developer declares the initiator, logic for the continuation of the loop, as well the increment part. Whereas if you were to use the method, you only need to worry about what to do with each element of an array.

React’s components use a declarative approach because we describe what should happen and react automatically takes care of updating the DOM and everything associated with it. This makes the code less cluttered, and easy to read and manage which produces fewer bugs and more productivity. Use of declarative paradigm is why ReactJS one of the best options to choose.

React has a large community

When it comes to choosing a JavaScript library, one of the most important factors to consider is the size and strength of its community. Because a large community means a lot of people are using it already which is a great plus.With millions of developers using React as stated on their official website, we can say with certainty that ReactJS has a large community.

ReactJS developers can find resources, tutorials, and assistance with any issues they may encounter because of the large community. This is also one reason why ReactJs is one of the front-end libraries I frequently use for different custom software development.

Moreover, a large community means there are more third-party libraries and components for a developer to install which makes their development process a lot easier and fast. Nobody wants to use a library or framework that has no third-party modules for normal cases.With such a large, active community, ReactJS users have a great support network when it comes to their development needs.

React handles user input gracefully

Since ReactJS uses a declarative paradigm, It becomes easy to manage user input and events. For example, we have to manually register event listeners in JS while in React, most of this is already taken care of and we just have to focus on the task at hand.

This makes handling events a lot easier and is a major plus for any front-end library.Because otherwise, we have to handle events directly on the DOM which, while possible to do, is harder to manage in larger projects.

React also provides lifecycles methods to the components that can enable developers to easily figure out what to do when certain data changes. In short, React’s API for handling user interaction is easy to manage, less prone to bugs, and more productive.

React is a library, not a framework

Another reason why Reactjs is great is that it is a library, not a framework. A library is often a smaller piece of code that acts as a tool to get a job done. While you can think of a framework as a set of tools that allows you to create larger applications, it also imposes a number of rules such as directory structure, paradigm, etc.

Since react is a small library, it is up to the developer to use it however they can. This is a major plus for experienced developers who prefer to work in a certain manner they find good. There are frameworks built on top of ReactJS such as NextJs, and Gatsby that give you a framework-like approach to using react.

Moreover, you can also use react in a small part of your web application since it is just a library and you’ll not have to rewrite your entire front end.This gives React a lot of power and flexibility over other front end technologies.


I’ve gone over a number of reasons why you should use ReactJS. ReactJS is a great library to create user interfaces that scale efficiently.
Because of React’s declarative model, it is very efficient and beginner friendly.
ReactJS’s large community acts as an assurance for developers in case they need support or a third-party module or package. Keeping in mind all of the points discussed above, ReactJS can be one of the best options to create your next project’s front end.

Lastly, we should always remember that libraries and frameworks such as React, are just tools in a developer’s arsenal, and there is no single “best” technology out there. It’s just that each problem requires a different kind of tool to solve it.

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Erick Rodriguez
7 months ago

To be honest, React couldn’t be the right answer to all your problems.

Given the scope of the project, complexity, and architecture, you want to do things according to it. For example: Intercept my request before it is sent and create a log of it on a separate server with my user identity.

Oh, boy… To do this, before you even send that via fetch, you need to create an interceptor, and you need to download a library for that.

Do you need state management for the app? Download Redux. Is the state atomized? Download Recoil/Zushtand

and here is the pattern: the inflexibility of React makes it difficult to make the right decision to do the required things, and if the decision taken backfires (let’s say, performance issues or state management become unbearable), you will have to do a considerable amount of refactoring.

So, instead, study the pros and cons of each library and framework, but never stick to one.

A good developer would try several libraries and have them in their toolset, but master one very well.

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