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Backed Technologies Growing in 2024

Published Mar 08, 2024
Backed Technologies Growing in 2024

Hello Learners,
In today's article i will discuss and list down major technologies improving in 2024 and learning these tech is worthy and increase your value in the industry.

Predicting specific backend technologies that will experience growth in 2024 involves some level of speculation, as it depends on emerging trends, technological advancements, market demands, and community adoption. However, based on the trajectory of technology and industry trends up to 2023, as well as potential areas of innovation and development, here are some backend technologies that could continue to grow in 2024:

Extended Use of Serverless Computing:

Serverless architecture is likely to continue its growth trajectory in 2024 due to its scalability, cost-effectiveness, and ease of deployment. Platforms like AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and Google Cloud Functions may see further adoption as more businesses embrace serverless computing for their backend operations.

Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT):

Beyond blockchain for cryptocurrencies, DLTs offer decentralized and secure data management solutions applicable across various industries. Technologies such as Hyperledger Fabric, Corda, and Quorum may continue to grow as businesses explore DLT for use cases like supply chain management, identity verification, and digital asset management.

Quantum Computing Integration:

While still in its infancy, quantum computing holds promise for solving complex computational problems. As quantum computing technology advances, backend systems may begin to integrate with quantum computing platforms and frameworks, leading to novel approaches in data processing, encryption, and optimization.

AI-Driven Backend Systems:

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies are increasingly being integrated into backend systems to optimize processes, personalize user experiences, and enhance decision-making. Backend frameworks and platforms that support AI/ML integration, such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and scikit-learn, may see continued growth as businesses invest in AI-driven solutions.

Federated Learning Infrastructure:

Federated learning allows machine learning models to be trained across decentralized devices while preserving data privacy. Backend technologies supporting federated learning infrastructure, including TensorFlow Federated and PySyft, may gain traction as businesses seek to leverage distributed data sources for model training without compromising privacy.

Extended Usage of Edge Computing:

Edge computing, which brings computational power closer to the data source, is expected to see continued growth in 2024. Backend technologies enabling edge computing, such as edge computing platforms, edge AI frameworks, and edge-native databases, may become more prevalent as businesses seek to process data closer to the point of origin for real-time insights and reduced latency.

Extended Adoption of Event-Driven Architecture (EDA):

Event-driven architecture (EDA) facilitates real-time data processing and responsiveness to events. Backend technologies supporting EDA, including event streaming platforms like Apache Kafka and cloud-based event-driven services, may experience growth as businesses prioritize agility, scalability, and real-time analytics in their backend systems.


These are potential areas where backend technologies could see growth in 2024, but it's essential to stay updated on emerging trends, technological advancements, and industry developments to understand how the backend technology landscape evolves over time.

You might need to employ techniques like cache busting or time-based invalidation to ensure that cached responses remain accurate and up-to-date.

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Anthony Hall
2 months ago

The most important challenge is ineffective communication and collaboration between supply chain partners. Communication failures and lack of cooperation can lead to timely responses and accurate information, leading to sustainability and ethical issues. Therefore, I advise you to learn about supply chain planning system to avoid these problems in the future.

2 months ago

Agree, but the learning path of such technologies is hard to adopt and pursue career in such stack, Any specific pathway in mind that should help new learner to follow ?

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